Analysis of the Role of Primary Associations of Constitntional era in the Downfall of the First Parliament

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Islamic Azad University

2 Ph.D Student in Communication at Islamic Azad University


The role and work of the associations of constitutionality primary on subversion of the pillars of the young political system in Iran and particularly the downfall of the first parliament (1906) has enough space and dimension in the contemporary history and even has created a kind of monopoly to majority of political analyst. it’s clear that developments in the initial years of the constitutionality and in particular the downfall of the first parliament has a firm relations with the actions of the associations of this era and has overshadowed the judgment on the association’s work report in every respect, but any analysis and evaluation concerning the associations’ constitutionality Primary without taking the existing reality’s of the political and social scene of the country under consideration would inflict serious damage to the final judgment. In the whole even though, associations and some news papers had great role in radicalization of the atmosphere, but evidences exist that clearly show the associations had not been the main influential factor, rather a combination of factors with the presence of associations has led to the aforesaid events.


Volume 8, Issue 2 - Serial Number 16
February 2013
Pages 27-42
  • Receive Date: 04 September 2012
  • Revise Date: 27 October 2012
  • Accept Date: 16 December 2012