Discourse Analysis of Tensar’s letter:

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 M.A Student in Political Thought of Islam at Allama Tabatabai University

3 M.A Student in Political Science at Allameh Tabatabaei University


This essay is to discover the political thoughts of Sassanid era, based on the Letter of Tensar. This letter has important contents in explaining thoughts and workings of Ardashir Babakan and followed by it, the prevalent dialoques of Sassanid era. In this letter, Tensar draws his boundaries with two patterns, Manaviah which is set in the frame of \"manner based\" discourse and Mazdakiah in the frame of \"Justice Based\" discourse, in this essay. With these two patterns  Tensar proceeds with interpretation and explaining of his thoughts. Religion is the central signifier of \"manner based\" discourse; but in the divergence shaped by this discourse which in the continuation is called \"justice based\" discourse, religion becomes a floating signifier that diminishes from the center and is replaced by another central signifier named justice and equality of social classes and in this condition religion becomes a second class signifier. In \"order based\" discourse, the order inspired by Cosmic order is considered the central signifier and in this essay, the framework of this discourse is explained in details, bit by bit.
The main content of Tensar letter is \"order based\" Idea that leads to a pattern of governing named \"Kingship\" (Imperial). \"King\" (Shah) is the axis of all political, social, cultural and economical structures in the government and all of these structures have been designed and prepared for it. Yet, the formidability, consolidation and durability of these structures are inspired by \"cosmic order\" (Universal Order). The method used in this essay is discourse analysis and with the use of that has proceeded with the theoretical analysis inserted in the letter.


Volume 8, Issue 2 - Serial Number 16
February 2013
Pages 43-62
  • Receive Date: 25 July 2012
  • Revise Date: 27 September 2012
  • Accept Date: 04 December 2012