The Role of Religious Processions (Hey\'ats) of Tehran in the Process of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Shahed University

2 M.A. in Political Sociolog of Islamic Revolution from Shahed University


Organization is a key element in Charles Tilly's model of study about circumstances of political campaign. Ceremonial religious groups (Hey'ats) are one of the old organizations that have flourished from the  Ashura culture of Tashayo and despite experiencing some ups and downs they have developed and evolved during a long process. This article tries to investigate the roles of the ceremonial religious group of Tehran in Islamic revolution of Iran in the city of Tehran. The method of this research is qualitative and it will use historical and documentary study and for compiling data it has referred to the existing documents and resources and interviews has been performed with some of the concerned authorities of the ceremonial religious groups that were under this study.  The main question in this article is: What were the different roles and functions of ceremonial religious groups (Hey'ats) in the city of Tehran in the process of shaping the Islamic revolution of Iran? It is clear that these (Hey'ats) along with other organizations had important roles and functions in the process of shaping the victory of Islamic revolution. For instance we can mention the cultural, artistic, social, economical, political and military role of the above mentioned ceremonial religious groups in the process of shaping the victory of the Islamic revolution. The proof and witnesses has been provided for each one of these roles in the history of revolution.


Volume 8, Issue 2 - Serial Number 16
February 2013
Pages 63-82
  • Receive Date: 03 July 2012
  • Revise Date: 27 August 2012
  • Accept Date: 02 December 2012