Examining the Possibility of Monitoring and Control of Iran Development Plans

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Ph.D Student in Political Sociology at Tehran University

2 Faculty member of Tehran University


Development Plans have always played an important role in the development of societies; in practice, one of the requirements of development is targeted, comprehensive and detailed planning which guides the social structure of the country away from political problems and clichés or the change of governments. Iran, among other developing countries, has an old record of devising and implementing medium-term development plans; however most of the objectives of the development plans are not fulfilled and practically the opportunity for social dynamism and mobility has not been created. The planners of development programmes claim that by implementing the development plans, an economic revolution and enormous political changes would be achieved in social system. Having this claim, the failure in achieving objectives of the development plans are attributed to the deficiencies in their implementation and the non-compliance of the executives of the plans. This is while there are different causes leading to the non-realization of the objectives of the development plans, among which the weakness of the structure of development plans specifically within the aspects of their protection by sanctions, feasibility study, and nonexistence of institutionalized requirements for monitoring and control are considered less than others. Emphasizing on the two abovementioned factors, in this paper we will examine the requirements which opens up the possibility of monitoring and controlling the development plans.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 19 December 2014
  • Revise Date: 24 October 2014
  • Accept Date: 16 March 2015