Happiness in The Thought of Farabi And S.T. Aquinas


Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University


Happiness holds a central position in Farabi and Aquinas theory of  ethics and politics. Both of these philosophers are considered Aristotle-oriented and peripatetic. While both regard God’s countenance as real happiness, their methods to reach this goal are separated in a stage and a place. Recognizing the insufficiency of intellect,Aquinas affirms the necessity of faith and other theological and Christian virtues towards making God’s countenance possible. Taking a comparative method, the present article deals with the identical and distinctive aspects of happiness in the thought of these two philosophers showing that the Aristotle teleology towards becoming religious has come to the same conclusion in the intellectual system of these two philosophers. However, the position of intellect in these two approaches and also the relation of desirable political order of the two thinkers with happiness  show certain differences. The hypothesis of this article is that the intellect having the same origin as revelation holds a basic position in Farabi’s   happiness theory. Other virtues become meaningful in relation with this   virtue in the process of reaching happiness. However, Farabi’s approach towards happiness is philosophical in contrast to Aquinas who has a theological approach. In Farabi’s opinion, both worldly happiness and otherworldly happiness are in the field of government responsibility. Distinguishing intellect from revelation and faith, Aquinas makes government and church respectively responsible for worldly happiness  and otherworldly happiness.


Main Subjects

Volume 9, Issue 2 - Serial Number 18
December 2013
Pages 95-114
  • Receive Date: 05 November 2013
  • Accept Date: 05 December 2013