Discourse Analysis of the Influence of Political Culture on Foreign Relations of Iran in the 2nd Pahlavi Era (1332- 1342)

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Member of Research Institute for Cultural and Social Studies

2 Ph.D Student in Political Science at Allameh Tabatabaei University


Expansion of Iranian relations with states of the western bloc especially with the U.S in 1332- 1342 is one of the features of Iran׳s foreign relations in the second Pahlavi era. The present article is an attempt to study the influence of political culture on foreign relations of Iran during this period. The main hypothesis responding the principal question is as follows: the political culture originating from Pahlavism discourse consisting of totalitarianism of Shah, authoritarianism, lack of security, and modernism gave rise to expansion of relations with the western bloc and further dependence of Iran on it in that period. In fact, ,the whole of these elements implies that Shah was the only decision maker in terms of foreign policy in this juncture , while other political elite were supposed to follow his suit ultimately. To achieve this purpose, the authors having used discourse analysis and analyzing discourse foundations of Pahlavism, sought to study its communicative mechanisms on the political culture of society.


  • Receive Date: 05 November 2014
  • Accept Date: 05 November 2014