Micro conceptual framework of Socieatal Security in Prophet Mohammeds character

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University


 Micro conceptual framework of  Socieatal Security  in Prophet Mohammeds character
BY:Asghar Eftekhari 
‘What is the Identity of security?” it is the main question in new security studies that has resived different answers by basic security discourses. The approach of this article is limited to the principles of Prophet Mohammeds charater. For this author analysis Conceptual Framework of Security and shows that security has a socieatal identity in Islamic discourses. According to him Conceptual Framework has two levels: Micro Conceptual Framework (MiCF) and Macro Conceptual Framework (MaCF). MiCF analysis managing concepts of security in internal era and divides them to two groups:
First. Concepts which manage relation between Musles.
Second. Concepts which manage relation between Musles with Others.
The results show us that Micro Conceptual Framework of Socieatal Security in Prophet Mohammeds Character is made of: Unification/ Brotherhood / Brotherhood/ Peace /Treaty /War and so on.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 15 June 2015
  • Revise Date: 09 July 2015
  • Accept Date: 09 August 2015