Analysis of Political Thought in I.R. Iran with Emphesis on Academic Resources

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Member of Research Institute for Culture and Thoght

2 Ph.D Student in Political Science at Yasouj University

3 M.A. in Political Thoght from Yasouj University


Political thought is one of the most important aspect of thoughts in all countries. It is because of its role in showing the main current of political practice. So political science is must study and analysis these thoughts to understand real political life. It is necessary in Islamic Republic of Iran and authors have done it by referring to academic resources. In I.R. Iran, the political thought throughout history has seen many ups and downs and is soon to be discussed in Iranian universities as a separate discipline. The situation of the academic resources of the political thought in the main aim of this research on the basis of SWOT analysis tool. So, the article trying to recognize the strenght and weakness points and also the opportunities and threats of political thought in the context of academic resources and eventually will offer the solutions to improve the existing resources of the this knowledge. According to results we should improve the theoritical studies؛ and proffisionl studies by observing what are happening in real politics. We need positive researches to correct our theories.

  • Receive Date: 18 September 2015
  • Revise Date: 18 December 2015
  • Accept Date: 26 December 2015