The Effectiveness of Political System of Islamic Republic of Iran; A Model for Evaluation

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Tehran University

2 M.A. in Political Science from Tehran University


Despite its importance, effectiveness of the political system of Islamic Republic of Iran, criteria and indicators to evaluate it not provided. Therefore, this is the main question that "How could assess (evaluate) the effectiveness of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on indicators of effectiveness?" Therefore, effectiveness from a new theoretical approach, based on elements and pillars of the political systems; the idea, structure, agent and behavior has defined. In the next step, according to these indicators, a model for evaluation the effectiveness of the political system of Islamic Republic of Iran has presented. In addition to the common characteristics of this political system with other kinds of political systems, this model represents specific characteristics of this political system. Furthermore, some examples in each of the levels have mentioned. expediency and provisions governing idea, the general policies of Article 44 of the constitution, tactics Flexibility Heroic, Management of nuclear crisis, Influence Prevention, Management of imposed war, Review of constitutional law, stablish of the Expediency Council, formation of the Supreme Council of resolving disputes between governmental powers, Programs of Social and Economic Development, the General Policies of the system, Program of 20-year vision, support for Palestinian, interaction with the world mean while revolutionary positions, stabilization of religious democracy and elections etc. are examples of effectiveness of the Islamic Republic of Iran in levels of the idea, structure, agent and behavior.

  • Receive Date: 18 August 2015
  • Revise Date: 17 January 2016
  • Accept Date: 16 February 2016