Explaining the Relationship between Political Culture and Economic Development; Case Study: Mamasani Township

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Ph.D Student in Political geography at Tarbiat Modares University

2 M.A. in Political geography from Tarbiat Modares University

3 M.A. in Regional Studies from School of International Relations (SIR)


Development is a process in which, the society is transferred from a period to a new one. This process can change various dimensions of human life. Economic development means economic growth and changing values and institutions that requires doing especial social behaviors that depend to culture and cultural properties of people. In Mamasani Township, given to social structure based on traditional and tribal identities, economic development has a significant relationship with political culture that depends on geographical identity and inter-subjective ideas of brokers. Mamasani is economically based on market and agriculture and is directly related to transition to economic development with present cultural conditions. Any fluctuation in its economic bases like forming cobweb conditions is analytical based on existing political culture. This research has an applied nature and the man question is that: what is the relation between political culture and economic development in Mamasani Township? According to research hypothesis, there is a significant relation between the two variables political culture and economic development. Also, the political culture has a key role economic underdevelopment of Mamasani Township. The results show that the economic underdevelopment is related to political culture because of cooperative- limited and tribal political culture, economy risk and undesirable performance of brokers in Mamasani. The research method is descriptive- analytical using library resources. 


  • Receive Date: 17 March 2016
  • Accept Date: 17 March 2016