Sociological Analysis of Islamic Revolution with Emphasis on Ted Robert Gurr's Relative Deprivation Theory and Imam Khomeini's Thoughts

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


Ph.D. Student in Political Science at Isfahan University


The review of developments in Iran before the Islamic Revolution shows that Pahlavi's so-called developmental and pseudo-modernist policies, instead of targeting people's social satisfaction and well-being, aimed at their forced political integration. This review by focusing on the theoretical framework of relative deprivation demonstrates the fact that the general orientation of Pahlavi regime's policies since the 1330s, which can be considered as "Founder's Trap", caused the relative deprivation, discontent and anger of the people, a necessary condition for revolution. Due to the mismatch between the state and society, modernist Islamic views of Imam Khomeini acted as sufficient conditions to create the groundwork for a political revolution. By utilizing qualitative method and descriptive-analytical approach, the article first tries to explain the discontent and frustration in society in terms of relative deprivation. It then tries to provide an analysis from the perspective of political sociology in connection with the origin and causes of this discontent during the second Pahlavi reign. Finally, it is shown that Imam Khomeini's modern views acted as catalyst in the occurrence of the Revolution.


Main Subjects

Volume 12, Issue 1 - Serial Number 23
April 2016
Pages 27-60
  • Receive Date: 11 April 2016
  • Revise Date: 08 June 2016
  • Accept Date: 22 May 2016