Foreign Policy Requirements for the Iranian-Islamic Model of Progress

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University


Designing an Iranian-Islamic Model of Progress seems to be a very strategic initiative with many national, regional and international dimensions and requirements. This paper is an attempt to explore the requirements of this initiative in the realm of diplomacy and foreign policy in pre and post implementation phases. The paper argues that in designing and implementing this model it is vital to benefit from the positive and successful experiences of other nations while paying a special attention to the Iranian unique religious, cultural, geographical and national characteristics. The article, furthermore, argues that the final output of this model must have this capacity to be transferrable and appealing to the outside world particularly to the neighboring countries and Muslim world.


Main Subjects

Volume 12, Issue 1 - Serial Number 23
April 2016
Pages 61-72
  • Receive Date: 08 January 2016
  • Revise Date: 20 March 2016
  • Accept Date: 21 April 2016