Social Polarization and its Effect on the Formation and Growth of Radicalism in Syria: With an Emphasis on Ethnic-Religious Gap

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Birjand Islamic Azad University

2 Faculty member of Shahr Reza Islamic Azad University


Now almost five years have passed since the beginning of the crisis in Syria And in all these years different ideas and theories about the causes of the crisis in this country have been raised. This article argues that among other things one main factor   is the social polarization and  ethnic-religious Gap in the Syrian society which is manifested in the  conflict  between  Shiite - Sunni and also  Kurds and Arabs.
The main question is that how  this  social gaps in Syria Especially ethnic and religious gaps affected the  formation and growth of radicalism in this country? And the assumption of this article is that the  State's inability to manage gap, and then  the extensive involvement of foreign factors  contributed to  a sharp rise in the country's level of conflict and social unrest. So the existence of the gap on one hand and the massive influx of foreign insurgents into the country on other hand can be seen as two main reasons for escalation of conflict in Syria.


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Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 24
November 2016
Pages 59-90
  • Receive Date: 14 December 2017
  • Revise Date: 11 January 2018
  • Accept Date: 10 February 2018