Arba'een Pilgrimage as a Social Movement

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Shahed University

2 Student of Islamic Revolution Political Studies, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


Arba'een Hosseini Pilgrimage is one of the privileged faces of emigration in Shi'a's political culture, which is held as the largest human community in the world. This magnificent religious community, in addition to its privileged religious resources, has deep political and social messages. One way to examine the social- political aspects of this event is to study it in the context of political sociology and the field of social movements.
      In response to the main question of the paper, the validity of the hypothesis that Arba'een Hosseini Pilgrimage can be considered as a massive social movement with all its components is confirmed. In this regard, this research has been carried out using the Charles Tilly Social Movement Theory and descriptive analytical qualitative method, using a snippet tool to collect data. The findings of the paper show that Arba'een Hosseini Pilgrimage in the framework of Charles Tilly's theory is a massive social movement that have manifested  the continuity of headquarters, the use of a range of general demonstrations, as well as public expression with four worthiness, unity, number, and commitment attributes in it.


Main Subjects

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Volume 14, Issue 1 - Serial Number 27
July 2018
Pages 1-21
  • Receive Date: 14 October 2017
  • Revise Date: 17 November 2017
  • Accept Date: 26 December 2007