Explaining the Steps of the Political Education (Politicization Pathway) Based on Cognitive Development Stages with Emphasis on Educational Courses

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Shahid Ragaee University

2 Ph.D. Student at Shahid Rajaee University


Modeling the growth and development path in the Fundamental Reform Document of Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran is an issue that more than anything can guarantee the achievement of educational system goals. Meanwhile, Socio-political area by achieving of its educational goals can ensure the realization of the concepts such as responsible, active and participating citizen that each educational system follows it.
In this article, the authors are seeking to answer the question, “what is the Politicization Pathway in the education system, and what are its stages based on cognitive development with emphasis on educational courses”. While They are addressing the concept of politics based on three classic, new and Islamic approaches, and providing the desired definition of this research, they are trying to conceptualize pathway through which the educators can understand political concepts and  analyses through passing its steps named politicization pathway and political education with regard to educational courses based on cognitive development characteristics and make decision on social expediency by having a correct political and social attitude.
The achievements of this research in practice, in addition to important educational aspects of the education system of the country in the period of general education and higher education, are increase the legitimacy and qualitative improvement of the political system of the country based on the responsible participation and role of citizens in political and social scene.
To this end, the present study was conducted with Q quantitative qualitative methodology in three stages of semi-structured interviews and its analysis by Strauss and Corbin coding, prioritization of the categories and analysis based on the Friedman''''''''s non-parametric test and then the merging and naming six steps of political education (politicization pathway). At the end of the research, the steps taken to achieve the goals of Bloom''''''''s learning are compared and evaluated in three areas of cognitive, emotional, and psycho-motor , as well as the educational courses based on students developmental stages.


Main Subjects

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Volume 14, Issue 1 - Serial Number 27
July 2018
Pages 23-60
  • Receive Date: 05 January 2018
  • Revise Date: 13 February 2018
  • Accept Date: 14 February 2018