The Middle East Discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University


The Middle East Discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dr. Hasan Bashir

Following the victory of the Islamic revolution, Iran has instituted a particular discourse worldwide, especially in the Middle East. This discourse is not only different from the pre- revolution state, but is quite distinctive by nature. The difference lies in three elements of Islamicism, independence trend, and unionism. Islamicism is the essential foundation of Iranian post- revolutionary discourse. Although Islamicism guarantees independence and rejection of the domination of world arrogant powers as well as the unity among all religious and social classes of the region, the two latter discourses are going to be studied separately owing to their significance and aiming at revealing their various dimensions in the region. Iranian Islamicism has played a big role in the emergence of radical and moderate Islamic movements in the region. Although the Shiite tendency has proved to have different manifestations in the Islamicist logic of Iran, it has faced different reactions in the region and given rise to a sort of geopolitical and population imbalance. The unconditional and permanent defence of Palestine cause, emphasizing the annihilation of the occupying Zionist regime, and the developments relevant to the present situation of Shiites in Bahrain and Yemen are striking examples of the religious perspective of the region towards Islamicism in Iran. The most significant feature of the independent policy of Iran in the political discourse of the region is rejecting the presence of western dominant powers, interaction of regional actors, and creation of a superior discourse for the region under Iranian supervision. The unionist discourse of Iran rests on religious solidarity, political convergence, social unity, and cultural assimilation. The triple axes of Iranian discourse in the region are variable depending on the two important elements of temporal developments and sociopolitical changes. Likewise, the external and internal perspectives towards the above – mentioned axes have been the functions of these two elements. In spite of the active presence of these two elements in the creation of the above discourse variations, the essence of the discourse of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the three mentioned axes is still considered the Iranian major discourse in the Middle East.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 03 November 2008
  • Revise Date: 21 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2008