Political and Legal Policy Makings of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Protecting the Environment

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


Faculty member of Shahid Bahonar University


Political and Legal Policy Makings of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Protecting the Environment

Dr. Hamid Bahrami Ahmadi

Advances in science and industry and the expansion of civilization besides the prosperity and comfort they have brought with themselves for mankind, have also had the undesirable consequence of damaging the environment. Numerous dangers can ensue the destruction of the environment. Taking heed of this danger has led to the emergence of some self- motivated movements by knowledgeable and good intentioned people. A multitude of popular organizations have been created throughout the world endeavoring to enlighten people. Governments too have more or less become heedful of the critical future of the globe and have been working side by side with these popular movements in order to find some serious modalities. These movements have gained momentum since the 1960’s and led to the holding of numerous conferences and the conclusion of several international conventions concerning environment. Hence, saving the environment has not only been the concern of political efforts but has also penetrated the realm of legislation. Furthermore, measures towards preventing the destruction of environment have been supported by legal sanctions. Stockholm conference of 1972 is believed to be the beginning of the conferences regarding environment. Ten years later, namely in 1982, Riode Janiro conference emphasized the adoptions of Stockholm conference while anticipating some new ways for the 21st century. Holding such conferences and conclusion of such agreements have continued ever since. This artice takes a passing look on the necessity of paying attention to the conservation of environment from moral, political and legal standpoints. It examines the work which has been done in this regard and concludes that there are proper grounds in our Iranian Islamic culture for increasing everyone’s awareness, in particular, the government as to the conservation of environment. Paying attention to the legal realm too, we find that despite the legal shortages and pitfalls, there are still considerable preventive rules in the current laws for preventing the destruction of environment.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 23 September 2008
  • Revise Date: 21 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 20 November 2008