the Place of Citizenship Education in Political Discourses after the Islamic Revolution of Iran A Case Study: Justice oriented and Moderate Discourses

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 Ph.D Student at Kharazmi University

2 Faculty member of Kharazmi University


After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, various discourses have emerged. and each discourse has provided specific goals and programs in the field of citizenship education.the present article aims to critical analysis of the citizenship education position in Justice oriented and moderate discourses. The research community includes documents related to citizenship education in both discourses. the findings showed that for the education of citizenship, from the perspective of the Justice oriented discourse, the observance of socio-economic, and in terms of moderation discourse, observance of political and civil rights, constitute the most important demands of citizens. the texts examined in both discourses do not pay much attention to the role of citizens in the process of meeting the rights, but their focus is on the government's responsibility to realize the rights and the grounds for achieving citizenship education. A citizen represented in these two discourses is a single-dimensional inventory that has experienced rapid and unbalanced growth in only one era in each era. In most cases, the documents examined follow a single-discourse pattern and are not interested in using elements of competing discourses.


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Volume 15, Issue 2 - Serial Number 30
December 2019
Pages 347-368
  • Receive Date: 25 May 2019
  • Revise Date: 17 December 2019
  • Accept Date: 06 October 2019