Analysis of the Intellectual Principles of the Turkish National Movement Party's Behavior towards the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Regional Studies)


1 Faculty member of Islamic Azad University

2 Ph.D Student in Political Science at Imam sadiq University


Political parties were formed after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the Turkish Republic, and there was an atmosphere of democratic competition, despite the one-party atmosphere in the early years of the Republic between the parties. The National Movement Party is Turkey's fourth largest political party that has an impact on Turkey's political environment. The presence of this party in the Republican alliance and its role in the political sphere of Turkey highlights the necessity of analyzing its political behavior towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. The purpose of this article is to explain the positions of the National Movement Party in relation to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Accordingly, the main question of this study is: what role do the National Movement Party's identity ideas play in its position towards the Islamic Republic of Iran? This paper investigates the role of identity paradigms in the positions of the National Movement Party using a descriptive-analytical approach and using documentary technique. This research is of practical purpose. The findings of the article show that the National Movement Party seeks to adopt cooperative policies towards the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The presence of this party in the Republican alliance and its role in the political sphere of Turkey highlights the necessity of analyzing its political behavior towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. The purpose of this article is to explain the positions of the National Movement Party in relation to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Accordingly, the main question of this study is: what role do the National Movement Party's identity ideas play in its position towards the Islamic Republic of Iran? This paper investigates the role of identity paradigms in the positions of the National Movement Party using a descriptive-analytical approach and using documentary technique. This research is of practical purpose. The findings of the article show that the National Movement Party seeks to adopt cooperative policies towards the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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Volume 15, Issue 2 - Serial Number 30
December 2019
Pages 297-316
  • Receive Date: 11 July 2018
  • Revise Date: 19 December 2019
  • Accept Date: 24 September 2019