The Weakness of Quantitative Research in Political Science Research Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Ph.D. in Political Thoght from Islamic Azad University

2 Faculty member of Ferdowsi University

3 M.A. Student in Political Science at Ferdowsi University


The Weakness of Quantitative Research in Political Science Research Iran
In the field of political science research in Iran, a shortage of field and quantitative studies is evident. Especially if we compare this field with the social sciences, educational sciences and psychology, which are other branches of the applied sciences, we will come to the conclusion that the amount of library, descriptive and inexperienced studies in this field is very high. The main reasons for the lack of empirical studies in the field of political science in Iran are related to: 1) Lack of sufficient material and intellectual support from the scientific and academic institutions of researchers 2 - Confidentiality of information in many research disciplines in this field 3 - Difficulty of gathering field information from the target community Review of Political Research 4 - Difficulty Adapting Experimental Research Methods to Political Science 5 - The weaknesses of the empirical methods in the books are related to the method of political research and the incompleteness of the teaching.
The author seeks to prove the hypothesis that, despite the increase in field studies in political science in recent years and the acceptance of scientific and research publications for the publication of such studies, there is still insufficient motivation for field research in political science. Quantitative research in political science has also been conducted mostly through research projects with the support of government agencies and bodies, and its results are not disclosed to other researchers because of confidentiality. Take it.
The method of study would be that by examining articles published in the field of political science their quantitative-qualitative research ratio will be measured over a period of time. To better understand this ratio, a similar study is being conducted in another field of humanities (psychology) to compare this ratio in two disciplines.
Political science research, quantitative research, field research, empirical methods, qualitative research.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 1 - Serial Number 31
April 2020
Pages 25-44
  • Receive Date: 07 December 2019
  • Revise Date: 05 February 2020
  • Accept Date: 22 January 2020