Components of the Life of Tayebeh in the Political Thought of the Newsadriadrians Emphasizing on the thought of Allameh Tabatabai and Martyr Motahhari

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


1 Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University

2 Ph.D Student in Political Sdievce at Islamic Azad University


The question of what bliss in a political society is to be realized has been answered differently in the history of political thought. In Islamic political philosophy this issue has also been examined so that the Nostradarians who are a contemporary philosophical intellectual stream in Iran. They want to answer this question and present a suitable model for a favorable political society before the advent of the Prophet (PBUH). Their revival of transcendent wisdom and adherence to the philosophy of Sadr al-Mutallah Shirazi, with their anthropological foundations, seek to discover human dimensions and Various aspects like human concept, human creation, talents and abilities Sun, man's place in the system of being and his relationship with himself, are social and kind, and in this way they have been able to introduce the idea of a prosperous society based on the "life-style" model of happiness and perfection in Islamic society. A philosophy initiated by Imam Khomeini (R) on behalf of Allameh Tabataba'i, the master of Motahari and Javadi Amoli in response to the intrusions of anti-religious movements in Iran to revitalize Sadrian thought, using transcendent wisdom in three angles: content-method and form, Somehow it wants to respond to the problems and conditions that have arisen for the Iranian society. The findings of this article suggest it. The desirable life in the thought of the Nostradians is the "life of the Tayyeba" in which human beings are fully realized and values such as justice, freedom, service to the people, the formation of a blessed state are the essentials of this idea. The research method in this study is qualitative. It is descriptive and analytical and according to literature review the text-based hermeneutic method as well as content analysis has been used.

Keywords: Newsadriadrians, Happiness, Life of Tayebeh, Hikmat Motalieh, Allameh Tabatabai, Professor Motahari


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 1 - Serial Number 31
April 2020
Pages 117-144
  • Receive Date: 04 December 2019
  • Revise Date: 05 February 2020
  • Accept Date: 05 February 2020