The Relationship between Law and Political governance in Contemporary Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 Faculty member of Tehran University

2 Ph.D Student in Political Science at Tehran University


The relationship between law and political governance in contemporary Iran
(The nineteenth century and constitutional age)
Law was one of the most important and influential concepts of Iran in the nineteenth century and the constitutional era in such a way that no less treatise or work at that time insisted on the law. Iranian tendency to law at that time was aimed at reforming and strengthening political rule and reducing the irregularities of the Qajar dictatorship because the condition of Iran in that time was too irregular and there were lots of issues in the different sections of society. The purpose of this study is to analyze and review such a historical background while insisting on the necessity of expanding the indigenous and internal discourse on the issue of governance, and to become aware of the first proposals of Iranian on correct governance. The present study raises the fundamental question, "How was the effect of the law on the patterns of governance proposed by Iranian intellectuals?" Document analysis is used to investigate this issue. In addition to analyzing the works of nineteenth-century intellectuals, the process of their tendency to law and their proposals have been studied using the theory of crisis. With such an approach, it can be said that the Iranian intellectuals tried to propose a new political rule due to the unfavorable situation of the Qajar era and the confrontation with the modern world. To this end, two models of governance were devised by Iranian intellectuals, including the regular monarchy the constitutional monarchy. The findings of the study indicate that Iranian intellectuals considered the law as an end to the country's irregularities, but the position, origin, and authority of the law differed in their proposed patterns.
Keywords: Iran, constitutional monarchy, law, Political Rule, public Interest, Regular Monarchy.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 1 - Serial Number 31
April 2020
Pages 1-24
  • Receive Date: 25 September 2019
  • Revise Date: 05 March 2020
  • Accept Date: 11 February 2020