The effects of the economic sanctions of the United States on the sport of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


Faculty member of Technical and Vocational University


In 40 glorious years of the Islamic Republic of Iran revolution, it has always been faced with the policy of pressure, threats and sanctions of the United States; Until the beginning of the 2011, .these sanctions have been limited to financial and commercial, but since the early 2012, Iranian sport also suffered these pressures and effects of sanctions. The present study was conducted in terms of qualitative purposeful aiming in the form of a two-round Delphi technique. The snowball sampling continued to theoretical saturation stage, which ultimately 16 experts were identified as the final sample and 13 concepts extracted. The research findings indicated that the decrease in imports of products as most positive concept (4.01), the salary of foreign coaches and players (4.73) as most positive impact and government hasty decisions (4.84) as the most indirect negative impact of sanctions on Iran sport. Considering the cost-benefit of enduring the current situation, Iran's sport seems to be part of the microeconomic sector of Iran, in addition to dealing with further difficulties, such as paying rewards and the salaries of both Iranian and foreign athletes, the exclusion of international presence and etc; It seems under the mega inflation of Iran, sport can not replicate the former success in the future.
In 40 glorious years of the Islamic Republic of Iran revolution, it has always been faced with the policy of pressure, threats and sanctions of the United States; Until the beginning of the 2011, .these sanctions have been limited to financial and commercial, but since the early 2012, Iranian sport also suffered these pressures and effects of sanctions. The present study was conducted in terms of qualitative purposeful aiming in the form of a two-round Delphi technique. The snowball sampling continued to theoretical saturation stage, which ultimately 16 experts were identified as the final sample and 13 concepts extracted. The research findings indicated that the decrease in imports of products as most positive concept (4.01), the salary of foreign coaches and players (4.73) as most positive impact and government hasty decisions (4.84) as the most indirect negative impact of sanctions on Iran sport. Considering the cost-benefit of enduring the current situation, Iran's sport seems to be part of the microeconomic sector of Iran, in addition to dealing with further difficulties, such as paying rewards and the salaries of both Iranian and foreign athletes, the exclusion of international presence and etc.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 1 - Serial Number 31
April 2020
Pages 219-246
  • Receive Date: 04 April 2019
  • Revise Date: 27 February 2020
  • Accept Date: 17 September 2019