Examination of Causes of Violent Behavior of Islamic Forces in Pakistan (Case Study of Taliban)

Document Type : Science - Research (Regional Studies)


Faculty member of Isfahan University


Examination of Causes of Violent Behavior of Islamic Forces

in Pakistan (Case Study of Taliban)

Dr. Hossein Masoodnia

Safi- olah ShahGhale

One of the basic features of Islamic world at the beginning of 1970 onwards is the turning of certain groups to Islamic roots and formation of Islamic movements, called Islamic fundamentalism by western scholars. Political behavior of Islamic groups in the Middle East has been varying from violent to peaceful manner.

Pakistan is a country holding very important position in Political Islam debate. Significance of this position is due to the role of Islam and Islamist groups in the political developments in Pakistan on the one hand and to the provision of suitable context for the growth of Taliban form of fundamentalism thought in this country and exporting it to its neighbors on the other hand. It seems that the social environment of Pakistan, role of Islam in the political developments of this country, pro Deobandi activists, role of religious schools and that of foreign powers like Saudi Arabia are very important in the formation of radical political Islam in Pakistan. This survey lies on two important points: the growth of Islamicism in Pakistan and the cause of certain Islamist groups approach to violent behavior.


Main Subjects

Volume 5, Issue 1 - Serial Number 9
April 2009
Pages 193-218
  • Receive Date: 13 October 2008
  • Revise Date: 21 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 19 January 2009