Foundations And Domain of Religious Revivalism of Imam Khomeini

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


Member of Research Institute for Cultural and Social Studies


Foundations And Domain of Religious

Revivalism of Imam Khomeini

Dr. Emad Afrough

Outlining the concept of revival and revivalism, the present article deals with Imam Khomeini's achievements in this regard in both domestic and foreign levels. As far as foreign level is concerned, the achievements may be stated as emphasizing the presence of God and divine values in the field of rationalism, and reviving spirituality in the domain of social relations.

Our discussion concerning the domestic level involves the restoration of the real spirit of religion, religious revival along with innovation of religious political aspects within the framework of the leadership of the Islamic revolution, theorizing about the revolution, and the establishment of the Islamic Republic system the notion of which was presented by Imam Khomeini in the form of the new political philosophy of "Islamic Republic" as a new definition of legitimacy and cocepts relevant to human rights in various fields.

The philosophy of acceptability or legitimacy of an established system, refraining from imposition of views on people, and legitimacy of their supervision over rulers and governors are also among the rights and issues discussed in the article.

Spatio-temporal requirements in the methodology of the religious authority (Idjtihad) of Imam, its presumptions and indications with reference to his doctrinse and ideas as well as commentaries of religious scholars, constitute another element of revivalism dealt with in the article.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 29 January 2008
  • Revise Date: 22 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 23 April 2008