Logic and Foundation of Security Grand Strategies in The Persian Gulf

Document Type : Science - Research (Regional Studies)


1 Faculty member of Isfahan University

2 M.A. in International Relation from Isfahan University


Logic and Foundation of Security Grand Strategies

in The Persian Gulf

Dr. Seyyid Javad Imamjumihzadeh

Mujtaba Twiserkani

The present article aims at explaining the logic and foundation of strategies planned by actors active in security equilibrium of the Persian Gulf for the purpose of reaching a desirable form of the future of the region's security arrangements.

The actors involved in the security process of the Persian Gulf are considered to be the coastal states of the region with the triple composition of Iran, Iraq , and the member states of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, and also the beyond regional powers including the United States, European countries, China, and Russia.

The logic of the security grand strategies significant for each of the actors is analyzed in the light of three following factors:

a. the principle of ever-increasing interdependence at the level of regional and geographical dependence, as well as thematic dependence

b. the rules concerning the process of globalization

c. specific polarizations present in all international systems

The foundation of such strategies- depending on the extent of the power and objectives of each of the actors present in the region- explains the three general paradigms of international politics i.e. the foreign policy of status quo, imperialism, and prestige.

Therefore, as the outcomes of the research suggest, regarding the logic and foundation of the security strategy of the actors active in the region, the most efficient security system in the Persian Gulf is one which rests on the logical principles of the theory of realism and neo- realism along with the amendments made in them.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 13 January 2008
  • Revise Date: 22 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 09 April 2008