New Geopolitics of the Middle East and the Competition of Powers

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


1 Faculty member of Isfahan University

2 M.A. in International Relation from Isfahan University


New Geopolitics of the Middle East

and the Competition of Powers

Dr. Enayatullah Yazdani

Murtiza Shuja

The study of strategic plans towards world order suggests the centrality of the position of the Middle East in all these plans. The analysis of the whys and wherefores of this issue is to a large extent relevant to the geopolitics of the Middle East, an issue having long been the the concern of political researchers and statesmen and finding new dimensions today.

The authors of the present article seek to study the relation of the strategic indices of the Middle East and the defined and executed policies of the great powers. Thus they reach a new image of the Middle East as a principal region in international order.

Taking the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and its subsequent developments into consideration, and noting the central role of the United States in this new round, the authors seek to identify, analyze, and introduce the new strategic equations of the region.

Studies indicate that regional rivalries would be so tight due to the influential presence of the United States. Thus we would witness an essential change in the new geopolitics of the region.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 29 January 2008
  • Revise Date: 23 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 14 May 2008