Islamophobia in Europe: Roots and Causes

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


Faculty member of Shahed University


Islamophobia in Europe: Roots and Causes

Dr. Ali Murshidizad

Dr. Zahid Ghaffari

One of the significant phenomena having long been a big concern of circles and societies opposing Islam is producing a tarnished image of this religion. Being termed as Islamophobia today, its creation and strengthening after September 11th event, has gained much higher priority and significance for the western bloc particularly the United States.

The present article deals with Islamophobia in Europe responding the question why this phenomenon arose in Europe and aggravated there in recent years. Historical, cultural, and political factors are taken into account towards studying this issue. We would first study the conception and implications of Islamophobia and then have a cursive look at the situation of European countries in this regard.

The outcome of these studies suggests that the normalization of Islamophobia has turned into a strategic goal for the western society towards the hegemonization of the liberal political pattern.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 13 February 2008
  • Revise Date: 23 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 28 April 2008