The Concept of Justice in Islam and the West

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Isfahan University

2 Ph.D Student in Isfahan University


The Concept of Justice in Islam and the West

Dr. Ahmad Jalinusi

Sara Najafpur

Islam, as the final divine religion and the true way of the salvation of humanity has largely emphasized justice elaborating and defining it from various angles. Unfortunately, this basic concept has sometimes been misunderstood due to the negligence of certain thinkers. So at certain historical junctures, there is no trace of justice but its name.

A matter of concern for scholars in this field is knowing the true meaning of justice and adopting one of its various definitions corresponding to their world view.

The present article seeks to find out whether the concept of Islamic justice is compatible with the definitions of justice given by secular, particularly western, thinkers, or it is a totally different concept.

The hypothesis of the article suggests that many of these thinkers have followed the right way in defining and expounding the concept of justice to a considerable extent. The only problem with them is that they have dealt with just one aspect of a multidimensional issue disregarding other dimensions and bases. However, Islam has seen justice from different perspectives adopting a comprehensive view on the subject, the result of which would be the satisfaction of everybody,s reight in the Islamic just society.

The present article studies firstly the gradual development of the concept of justice in Islam and the west, applying the descriptive, analytical, and comparative methods and benefiting from library method facilites. Further, it compares them in a logical way.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 22 May 2008
  • Revise Date: 23 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 22 May 2008