The Political Economy of an Efficient Diplomacy in the World System; Foundations, Instruments and Mechanisms

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University


The Political Economy of an Efficient Diplomacy in the World System; Foundations, Instruments and Mechanisms

Dr. Hosein PurAhmady

The structure of complex interdependence system has given rise to the fact that policy and diplomacy of states follow the very principles and objectives defined and formulated by the structures of the world politico-economic system.

Consequently, the influence of cultural, political, and particularly economic factors and elements in domestic as well as foreign arenas in the era of the sovereignty of beyond national forces on foreign policy and diplomatic positions is one of the most significant points worthy of attention.

Therefore, the present article, following a politico-economic approach, takes for granted the fact that economic structure is a very significant and determining factor in directing an efficient foreign policy and diplomacy. However, we should not fail to see the influence of this factor in the light of its relations with other key factors such as the ruling political ideology, interactions and relations of social and class groups, institutional function of state, and finally various links between domestic and foreign actors which are not immunized against the structure of the world economic system.

Thus efficient diplomacy, within the complex interdependence framework, pursues the common good of the parties to politico – economic and even military – security relations. This, of course, would not be free from disputes over the distribution of the share of each of the parties.

Expanding the domain of its activities and moving from unilateralism and bilateralism toward multilateralism, efficient diplomacy also lies on collective cooperation.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 23 May 1999
  • Revise Date: 23 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 23 May 1999