Post- Westphalia Sovereignty: Globalization and the Interaction between National Sovereignty and world Sovereignty with a Focus on the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


Faculty member of Isfahan University


Post- Westphalia Sovereignty: Globalization and the Interaction between National Sovereignty and world Sovereignty with a Focus on the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dr. Shahrooz Ebrahimi

National sovereignty in the context of globalization has assumed a special character which is neither weakened nor strengthened, but despite the pressures from above and below, states have also gained particular functions which we call post- westphalia sovereignty. Though a world sovereignty which looms over states has not taken shape yet, one can witness its preliminaries that have put states under pressure.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, due to its dual characteristics i.e belonging to "the south" and having an "ideological and religious system" , is facing special pressures from post – Westphalia sovereignty and the way it treats this situation would determine its future in economic, political and cultural areas. The author believes that under these circumstances neither a confrontation nor total conformity would be to the benefit of the Islamic Republic (or any other states). Mere confrontation makes the country run the risk of being marginalized and passive conformity would be at the risk of the crumbling of transnational movements. The Islamic Republic of Iran should only adopt an interactive approach in order to attenuate the pressures and at the same time to exploit its potentialities in the process of transnational sovereignty. The article discusses ways of Iran's treatment in different political, economic, and cultural fields.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 23 May 2006
  • Revise Date: 23 May 2011
  • Accept Date: 23 May 2006