The investigation of the role of evaluation of political parties and organizations in participation of Shiraz Residents in the elections

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 Faculty member of Shiraz University

2 Ph.D. Student in Political Sociology at Shiraz University

3 M.A. in Sciology from Shiraz University


Political participation is one of important factors for achieving macro- developmental goals. More participation in elections, leads to enforcement of collective reason and, as well, to political legality improvement. The viewpoints and attitudes towards political parties are different in various settings and societies. The attitude and behavior are analyzed in relation to each other, in the social and political contexts. This study aimed to investigate the evaluation of political parties and organizations in participation of Shiraz city residents in elections. This study significance is investigating the people's attitudes towards political parties and the role of mentioned attitudes in participating of Shiraz residents in elections. Using survey method, 402 cases of 18 years and older residents of Shiraz city were selected via clustering random sampling method and investigated. Findings showed that there is significant relationship between the elements of evaluation of political parties, (including "trust to political parties and organizations(TPPO)", and "evaluation of efficiency of political parties and organizations (EPPO)") (directly), and "age"(indirectly) from one side, and "the political participation in past elections", from other side. Findings, also, showed that there is significant relationship between the elements of evaluation of political parties (directly), and "the political participation in past elections" (indirectly) from one side, and "the probability of political participation in future elections", from other side. There is not significant relationship between age and "the probability of political participation in future elections". The multivariate regression analysis showed that independent variables could determine 40 percentages of "the probability of political participation in future elections" variances. As a result, trust to political parties and organizations and the evaluation of the degree of efficiency of political parties and organizations are the main important factors which influencing the role of political parties in election and persuading people to participate in elections and having political participation. this study showed that , the political participation of citizens and political party activities are interacting with each other and people's evaluation of political parties and their efficiency has important role in political participation, in particular, in the elections.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 2 - Serial Number 32
August 2020
Pages 649-670
  • Receive Date: 25 March 2020
  • Revise Date: 15 August 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2020