Analysis of the history of cyberspace governance in Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Public Science and Governance)


1 Ph.D in Strategic Management from Supreme National Defence University and Secretary of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace in I.R.Iran,

2 Ph.D Student in Imam Sadig University


The meaning of Governance from common sense in the 1980s has been changed to new governance which means governing in the situation where different actors and micro powers (network society) have been enabled in the society. This theoretical shift has led to the transition from centralized hierarchical governance structure to market, network, and hybrid structures. With the diffusion of ICT (information and communication technologies) and the formation of cyberspace, various levels of social systems have been interconnected globally, and the concept of geographical boundaries has changed such a way that boundaries has been faded and sovereign territory has weaken. The research problem is detection 40 years of Islamic Revolution experience in cyberspace governance. We employ implicational analysis as methodology to detect these experiences. In the first step, we must adopt a conceptual framework, which name is conceptual borrowing framework based on implicational analysis. We adopt conceptual borrowing framework from governance structures in the field of governance theories. In the second step, based on content analysis research method we analyze policy papers in ICT arena. In this situation we choose structural approach in content analysis which is base on theoretical assumption, So in our theoretical assumption public policy have three layers, the first is the level of public policy in particular (political will), second is public rights (expression), and last is public administration (executive).This structural content analysis signifies the timeline of cyber governance. The results of research have been classified in three sections at first we distinguish three main periods in cyberspace governance in the Islamic Republic of Iran resulted from examines ICT developments, the second is presence policy issues in these periods and third is cyber governance issues. We predict the continuation of this trend in the next decade will lead to problem of Arbitrage and reduction of state capacity.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 2 - Serial Number 32
August 2020
Pages 563-598
  • Receive Date: 17 February 2020
  • Revise Date: 17 August 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2020