Historical Sociology of Understanding the dualistic mentality in the political tradition of modern Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 PhD Student in Political Science, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan

2 Faculty member of University of Isfahan


Dual trends in social action and institutional forms are never fully resolved in one direction As a result, and ultimately, social structure must be seen as a fundamentally open and open subject. As the issue of political duels continues to wake up in today's Iranian society.From the nineteenth century onwards, Iranian society has been a quintessential character, embedded in an ontological and epistemological valuation. On this basis, the selected data, based on the method of historical sociology - "The strategy of using concepts to understand social history" by applying the relation of "self and other" concepts in Martin Buber's theory in the modern period of Iranian political tradition (period patrimonialism, era The constitution and the Pahlavi period are discussed. The findings can be verified in the context of a geometric analysis model derived from the "I-you" and "I-it" relationships; Consequences of the interaction of the "I-you" relationship include the "acceptance" paradigm, such as: the interactive interaction of the dual area of society and religion in Iran during the period of patrimonialism, And the "deconstruction" pattern, such as: refining and refining the notions of couplehood and presence; as the common constitutional dual. The communication implications of the "I-IT" relationship also include the "contrast" pattern, such as the confrontation of religious and customary matters, As the constitution is being drafted and amended, The Dual of Revolutionary Practice and Reformist Thought in the Second Pahlavi Period. The pattern of "rejection of both meanings", such as the dual rejection of religion and ideology in the Pahlavi era and the attempt to find a third way.This research sought to find Iran's dual historical contexts and structures, Provide context for presenting patterns of current dual mentalities such as Utopianism / Realism; Reformism / Fundamentalism; Inaction / Intolerance ... To provide the political stability in Iran today


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 2 - Serial Number 32
August 2020
Pages 387-410
  • Receive Date: 15 December 2019
  • Revise Date: 07 August 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2020