Weakening the Human Rights in the west: a case study of rights of Fathers & Sons in the west, with consideration the feminist movement in America

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University


Weakening of the status of the male sex can be seen as a common ground among all feminist factions, but radical feminists have also expanded the circle from men and fathers to sons. The question that arises is what behaviors have been done by feminists to undermine the rights of fathers and sons?
The results of this research, which is based on descriptive-analytical methods based on the theories and policies of those who believe in this, indicate behaviors such as misrepresentation of fathers, disregard for the positive effect of paternalism on fathers and society, insult and disability of the father, humiliation of fathers in the workplace, negligence of fathers by governments, tends to expose such effects such as increasing the deviation and guilt of children and creating educational crises and child abuse in the absence of their fathers. In contrast, fathers have taken a stand against this hostile trend by joining organizations such as the "faithful to the covenant" and the "Islamic Ummah." Radical feminist thinkers have also launched a two-dimensional operation to oppose boys; On the one hand, they promote discrimination between girls and boys and gain privileges for girls. On the other hand, by exaggeration on boys' issues, they seek to weaken them and upset the balance in the interaction between girls and boys, and consequently men and women in the future.
Keywords: Fathers, Boys, Feminism, Girls, Women, Radical Feminism.
Weakening of the status of the male sex can be seen as a common ground among all feminist factions, but radical feminists have also expanded the circle from men and fathers to sons. The question that arises is what behaviors have been done by feminists to undermine the rights of fathers and sons?
Weakening of the status of the male sex can be seen as a common ground among all feminist factions, but radical feminists have also expanded the circle from men and fathers to sons. The question that arises is what behaviors have been done by feminists to undermine the rights of fathers and sons?


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Volume 16, Issue 2 - Serial Number 32
August 2020
Pages 513-536
  • Receive Date: 24 November 2019
  • Revise Date: 23 July 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2020