Examine the role of new technologies in the shift of power in the international system

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


1 Ph.D Student in Cimmunication Science at Ardabil Islamic Azad University

2 Faculty member of َArdabil Islamic Azad University


New technologies associated with creating convergence between satellite networks and Internet provides a worldwide platform for the development of democracy in one of the most Elements and tools of the 21st century has become the focus of power. The purpose of This study examines the impact of modern communication technologies in the field of power shifts International and survey method using a questionnaire for has taken. The study population consists of professors in the fields of communications, community Sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, scholars and experts Media. The sample size was estimated based on Morgan table 379 and samples Using systematic sampling, were selected for Increase accuracy, the sample size was increased to 402 people. Based on the findings, New technologies, the impact of the movement of power through democracy Pass. Of the six factors examined satellite TV, satellite Persian language, cyberspace, social networks, search engines (Internet) and cyber journalism, most of the satellite TV Share in the movement of power.
New technologies associated with creating convergence between satellite networks and Internet provides a worldwide platform for the development of democracy in one of the most Elements and tools of the 21st century has become the focus of power. The purpose of This study examines the impact of modern communication technologies in the field of power shifts International and survey method using a questionnaire for has taken. The study population consists of professors in the fields of communications, community Sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, scholars and experts Media. The sample size was estimated based on Morgan table 379 and samples Using systematic sampling, were selected for Increase accuracy, the sample size was increased to 402 people. Based on the findings, New technologies, the impact of the movement of power through democracy Pass. Of the six factors examined satellite TV, satellite Persian language, cyberspace, social networks, search engines (Internet) and cyber journalism, most of the satellite TV Share in the movement of power.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 2 - Serial Number 32
August 2020
Pages 361-386
  • Receive Date: 07 November 2019
  • Revise Date: 06 August 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2020