Rereading the legitimacy in the theory of religious democracy of Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Baqir Sadr

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University


One of the important political issues in the history of mankind is the level and quality of people's role in governance and how to deal with the anger that occurs between the powers of the rulers and the rights of the people. Because, in my view, the conquest of a system of sovereignty is equitable to the conquest of individual rights in the community. This has duplicated the need to establish the basis of the legitimacy of gaining and exercising power on an accepted basis in political think tanks. Based on this, different schools of thought have emerged in this field and designed the basis of legitimacy in the political realm for a particular system. In the thought of Imami jurisprudence, this issue also has different opinions and opinions, largely due to the logical relationship between the "confrontation" that lies between the rights and duties of the governor and the people, around the concept of "Velayat-e faqih". Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Baqir Sadr, an Islamic scholar, unlike the common practice of the jurisprudents, has raised the issue of legitimacy of power under the theory of "al-'Anan and the testimony of al-Anbiya." The basis that he has chosen in this theory to provide legitimacy is based on the Qur'anic forms and from the perspective of a new theory. In this article, through a descriptive-analytical method, a "divine-folk" divine legitimacy reading, considered evolutionary in the theory of "installation," will be explained and re-read.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 2 - Serial Number 32
August 2020
Pages 411-432
  • Receive Date: 20 October 2019
  • Revise Date: 17 June 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2020