Futuristic analysis of the Second Step Statement of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 Faculty member of Shahed University

2 PhD Student in Futures Study of The Islamic Revolution at Shahed University


Foresight Analysus of the Second Step Statement of the Islamic Revolution

The second step by the Supreme Leader's statement represents the beginning of a new era in the life of the Islamic Revolution and outlining its future in the form of an important charter for new generations. Given the strategic importance and position of this document, this research seeks to answer the key question of what are the future implications of the Second Step Statement of the Revolution? In order to answer this question and to show the strategic nature of the document of the second step of the revolution and to distinguish it from other documents, it has been attempted to use a futuristic, Martha Lasley’s analysis and a descriptive-analytical approach. The data collection tool is the extraction of the second step statement and other related resources The application of Martha Lasley’s approach to the analysis of the second step statement shows that this statement has the characteristics of a strategic document. It is possible to illustrate the seven steps of the martial arts method in analyzing strategic documents, and draw the desired picture and outlook for the future of the Islamic Revolution in the Second Step Statement. The first step of the statement deals with the process of qualitative and historical research in explaining revolutionary causes and conditions; Then, with steps such as explaining the shaping values of the Islamic Revolution, it then goes on to describe the environment of the second step (the stage of self-organization and socialization). Then, by outlining the drivers shaping the future of the revolution, largely derived from the soft nature of the Islamic Revolution, it points to a desirable picture and vision of the future, that is the modern Islamic civilization. The methodological diligence in this statement shows that its formulation has a logical and rule-bound continuum that distinguishes this document from other political documents and texts and places it in the category of strategic documents.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 2 - Serial Number 32
August 2020
Pages 487-512
  • Receive Date: 11 October 2019
  • Revise Date: 10 August 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2020