Trump's coercive energy diplomacy toward I.R.Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


Assistant Professor of Political Science, National Defence University.


Without knowing the new approach of Trump in the field of energy diplomacy, the maximum pressure campaign against Iran can't be explored. In an effort, Trump tried to transform energy diplomacy as an effective tool and exert possible maximum pressure to Iran. the present paper, with the descriptive - analytical method, the question of what role the energy diplomacy plays in the battle of maximum pressure of Trump to Iran is investigating the performance and behavior of Trump on the oil market. The main hypothesis of the is that the main root of the Trump pressure on Iran's oil market is ahead of the neo-mercantilist approach, in which prominent examples can be seen coming out of JCPOA and returning oil sanctions, the reordering geopolitics of oil imports, destabilizing oil prices and maximum production of shale oil with the aim of capturing traditional Iranian markets. This approach led to the fall in Iranian oil exports to at least possible due to an increase in American influence in determining the prices of international oil prices. Trump's most important move in his campaign against Iran should be oil exemptions. By doing so, Trump was able to bring in the major oil importers from Iran, especially India, while maintaining his sanctions regime. If Trump had suddenly banned these countries from importing Iranian oil, he would probably have faced resistance from national governments and seen his maximum pressure on Iran defeated. However, with the policy of gradual elimination from the market, Iran's oil exports to India, which was in third place after Saudi Arabia and Iraq, gradually approached zero.however such an approach alongside mismangemant in domstic iranian economy lead to wide and violent riots both in 2017 and 2019 year. this instabilities in viewpoint of Trump adminstration was the results of successful strategy of maximum pressure.


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Volume 17, Issue 2 - Serial Number 34
August 2021
Pages 569-596
  • Receive Date: 12 July 2020
  • Revise Date: 12 April 2021
  • Accept Date: 16 April 2021