Components of political equality in the realization of justice from the perspective of Egalitarians

Document Type : Science - Research (Public Science and Governance)


1 Associate Professor of Political Science, Faculty Member of Imam Sadiq University.

2 Ph.D. Student in Political Science , Imam Sadiq University.


The present study seeks to answer the main question of what level of political equality will be necessary from the view of egalitarians to achieve a just situation in society. For this purpose, after explaining the components of political equality based on James Kelman's theory and designing a model of analysis based on the views of "Adam Swift" and "John Kekes", examine the role of political equality components in achieving justice from the perspective of egalitarians by descriptive-analytical method and the "retroductive" strategy. In order to achieve a fair situation through the realization of the components of political equality, which includes "equality of participation, distributive equality, legal equality and equality of opportunity", three levels of relations between political equality and justice can be categorized: minimal level, conventional level and radical level. The research findings of this paper show a model in which there is a direct relationship between the components of "equality of participation" and "legal equality" in the "situation of non-conflict of political equality with other values" to achieve justice. Regarding the component of "distributive equality", the status and relationship of this component with justice can be drawn only based on the determination of the principles of distribution and the amount of resources in "distributive justice theory". Finally, in the situation of "conflict of equality with other fundamental values", the component of "opportunity equality" can only be considered as a factor for the realization of justice if the level of equality does not hinder the individual rights of citizens and the overall efficiency of society.


Main Subjects

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Volume 17, Issue 2 - Serial Number 34
August 2021
Pages 597-624
  • Receive Date: 16 March 2020
  • Revise Date: 22 August 2021
  • Accept Date: 19 May 2021