The sources of the smart power of the I.R.Iran in post-ISIS Iraq and threats ahead

Document Type : Science - Research (Regional Studies)


1 Professor of International Relation ,Guilan University.

2 Ph.D Student in International Relation , Allameh Tabatabaei University

3 Ph.D. in International Relation, Guilan University


Iraq is a country that is part of the Arabian Middle East geopolitical region and on the other hand is one of the most heterogeneous ethnic and linguistic countries. The warlike actions of former Iraqi officials, the persistence of political instability, the emergence of favorable and reproductive contexts for extremist and extremist groups are among the issues that pose a challenge and threat to Iran's national security. However, post-Saddam Iraq should be considered the center of Shiite power and influence because powerful currents such as the supreme Shiite authority, Sadr and other Shiite political groups enjoy high influence in the Iraqi political process. To this end, Iran has largely maintained long-standing relationships with several pro-Shia political parties and with Shia militias. The political and religious interpretation of these relationships has often been established as a basis for the future strategy of Iraq in its post-war Iraq. In light of the above, the research questions are as follows: 1- What role did Iran play in the defeat of ISIS? 2- How has Tehran benefited from its long-standing relations with Iraqi political parties and militia groups? 3. What are the sources of Iranian power in Iraq and how do these resources help Iran to develop strategic partnership with Iraq? In response, it can be argued that Tehran has used various means of power to achieve its goals in Iraq, from its historical relations with Iraqi political parties and militias to its economic and religious ties with it. In this regard, the authors believe that due to the numerous means of Iranian influence in Iraq, their proper use and management have had positive and lasting gains for the achievement of Iran's objectives in Iraq, and despite some problems, the best, most legitimate and At the same time, the most sustainable form of supply has been the target. The purpose of this paper is to identify and identify the sources of Iranian power in Iraq for appropriate strategic management and to achieve results. It's defensive.


Main Subjects

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Volume 17, Issue 2 - Serial Number 34
August 2021
Pages 383-406
  • Receive Date: 27 December 2019
  • Revise Date: 25 August 2021
  • Accept Date: 26 August 2021