Designing a pattern of political behavior in strategic decision making of Iranian sports managers

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor of Department of Technical and Vocational of Mahmoud Abad Branch of Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Mazandaran, I.R.Iran

2 Faculty member of Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Mazandaran, University, Baboulsar, L.R.Iran


Politics and sports have a complex relationship. Based on this, an attempt has been made to analyze the pattern of political behavior of Iranian sports managers. The statistical population of the study includes all sports managers in Iran in 2018-2019. Two questionnaires have been used to measure research variables: Political Behavior Questionnaire and Strategic Decision Making Questionnaire.The results showed that the structure of political behavior does not affect strategic decision-making. According to this result, the dimensions of organizational behavior include unprincipled behavior with colleagues, Self-service behaviors in the organization, Use the support group for yourself, Create a strong group in the organization, Meet powerful people in the organization and It is necessary to observe moral requirements that Consistent with political behavior. However, the use of the database for political destinations was not approved in the organization.


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Volume 18, Issue 1 - Serial Number 35
March 2022
Pages 199-218
  • Receive Date: 27 August 2020
  • Revise Date: 03 April 2021
  • Accept Date: 08 January 2022