Possibility or refusal to extend the jurisprudential rule of "obligation to maintain order" to "maintenance of Muslim political system" (Emphasizing the views of Imam Khomeini)

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


1 Head of Imam Sadiq University

2 Researcher at Roshd Center of Imam Sadiq University



The rule of preserving the system is one of the jurisprudential rules that have been interpreted in different periods of Shiite jurisprudence in accordance with the social conditions and needs of the time. Most of the jurists' perceptions in the past period can be categorized into three areas: "preserving the Islamic life", "preserving the livelihood of the Islamic community" and "preserving the Muslim social order". With the establishment of the Islamic system in Iran, Imam extended the rule to the "preservation of the political system and the Islamic state", which some scholars have called heresy in the Shi'a jurisprudential tradition. The present study seeks to answer the question whether based on the evolution of the meaning of Imam regarding the necessity of maintaining the system based on the Shi'a jurisprudential tradition, based on the evolution of the rule of necessity of maintaining the system in different periods of Shia jurisprudence. Is?" To answer this question, library studies were used to collect data and multilevel hermeneutics was used to analyze them. The results of this study show that the semantic expansion of Shi'a jurisprudential rules over time based on the social conditions and needs of each period has been a precedent, and rules such as the rule of necessity to maintain the system have not been excluded from this rule, and in times when Elementary Shi'a jurisprudence has often been used in the field of "preserving the livelihood of the Islamic community", gradually developing its meaning, and has become more prominent in the later periods of "preserving the Muslim social order." In this way, it can be said that Imam, after the formation of the Islamic State, based entirely on the Shi'a jurisprudence that has strong rational support, has applied this rule to the field of political system and Islamic rule. This is not particularly the case.


Volume 20, Issue 2 - Serial Number 40
September 2024
Pages 345-370
  • Receive Date: 12 August 2020
  • Revise Date: 06 March 2021
  • Accept Date: 14 April 2022