Review and critique of Ayatollah Boroujerdi's arguments about the authority of the jurist in the age of absence of the Infallible

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


1 Master's student of Islamic Studies and Political Science, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R.Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Islamic Revolution and Iranian Issues, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R.Iran (Corresponding author).


Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi was one of the most prominent contemporary Shia jurists and the head of the seminary in Qom. Ayatollah Boroujerdi's political thought has always been questionable and ambiguous.In general, Shiite jurists have had two positions on the issue of guardianship of jurists throughout history. Some jurists, such as Imam Khomeini, believe that during the absence of the Infallible, all the powers and political duties of the Imam are the responsibility of the comprehensive jurist. This responsibility of the jurists, in the era of the absence of the jurist, is considered as the political ruler of the society and responsible for the formation of the Islamic government and the implementation of the religious limits.
Some scholars, citing the assumption that Ayatollah Boroujerdi did not have a significant political activity during his tenure, consider him to be opposed to the theory of guardianship of the jurispruden  during his absence, and others, citing his surviving books and some other historical documents. That he believes in the absolute guardianship of the jurisprudent It is of particular importance to examine the views of this prominent jurist on the jurisprudence of the jurisprudent and the jurisdiction of the jurists during the time of absence. Regarding Ayatollah Boroujerdi's views on the relationship between religion and politics, as well as the issue of governance of jurists and the jurisprudential authority, there are common misconceptions in today's society. In several works, Ayatollah Boroujerdi has presented reasons for his views on governance of jurists   In this research, Ayatollah Boroujerdi's opinion on  governance of jurists has been studied using the jurisprudential method and the arguments that he has used in documenting his opinion have been discussed and criticized. The results of this study show that, contrary to popular belief, Ayatollah Boroujerdi believed in the public guardianship of the jurists in the time of the Absence and did not consider the guardianship to be limited to the affairs of hasbeh. The critiques in the article show that although the details of some of the conclusions can be criticized in detail, the totality of the arguments presented has great weight and accuracy.


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Volume 18, Issue 2 - Serial Number 36
September 2022
Pages 515-538
  • Receive Date: 09 April 2020
  • Revise Date: 29 May 2020
  • Accept Date: 12 August 2022