Semantic analysis of the concept of National Interests in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


1 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Iranian Issues, Imam Sadiq University, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Science, Tehran,I.R.Iran. (Corresponding author)

2 Master's student in Political Science, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R.Iran.



One of the basic concepts in political systems that defines the roadmap of states is "National Interest", which consists of two components: "Benefit" and "Nationality". Islamic political thought needs to redefine such concepts in its system and the most original source for understanding the Islamic approach is the Holy Quran. Therefore, in a linguistic semantics analysis, we answer the question: what national interests mean in the perspective of the Holy Qur'an. Benefit has features such as being stable, being good and conforming to the truth. To understand the concept of nationality, Quranic interpretations that express social frameworks were examined and the terms which is used in Qur'an in these words: Ummah, Diyar, Qoum, Qariyah, Ta'efah, Nas, Asheerah, Qabilah and Nation were studied. The Holy Quran has a contingent approach to the framework of human society and defines it in the model of human common behavior, and next to this approach, it points to the originality of ideological boundaries. The Holy Qur'an considers Islamic government to be in charge of pursuing interests with the priority of spirituality, and defines these interests in the interaction of two dimensions; national borders that are necessary for human modern life and the original ideological border. Utilitarianism under the concept of national interests is considered a genuine matter and, consequently, human innate utilitarianism has been confirmed. In the Qur'anic literature, it is considered a deity worthy of worship that is beneficial. On the other hand, the importance of the issue of customary and contemplative demarcation of countries and communities, which according to Quranic analysis is a respectable and common thing in which not only the identity and independence of countries is important but also every government is tasked to protect society and its ideals. To provide benefits, and given the contingent acceptance of human communities in the Holy Qur'an, it seems that the human need today, which is the national framework, is accepted by the Qur'an.


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Volume 19, Issue 1 - Serial Number 37
March 2023
Pages 213-238
  • Receive Date: 19 September 2020
  • Revise Date: 15 April 2021
  • Accept Date: 03 June 2021