Paradigmatic model of distortion of Imam Khomeini's thought and practice

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


1 Ph.D. student of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadig University, Tehran,I.R.Iran. (Corresponding author).

2 Assistant Professor of Culture & Communidation ,Department of Culture and Government, Faculty of Islamic Education and Culture and Communication, Imam Sadig University, Tehran. I. R. Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Imam Sadiq University, Faculty of Islamic Education and Political Science ,Tehran, I.R.Iran, Iran.



Four decades after the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the thought and manners of the late founder of the revolution are increasingly in danger of being distorted. The necessary condition for dealing with the phenomenon of Imam's distortion is an accurate understanding of this issue, and therefore in this article we intend to provide an accurate description and explanation of the phenomenon. The data required for this article were obtained using a library study and semi-structured interviews with seventeen experts in the field of Imam's thought and then analyzed by Grounded theory method. Based on the data analysis, the distortion of Imam Khomeini's thought and behavior was selected as a Axial category of paradigm model. In this model, casual condition were classified into three categories: insight, tendency and action. Also, two categories of human and cultural context related to the phenomenon of Imam's distortion were identified. According to this model, the mediating conditions of Imam's distortion include seven categories of social, propaganda and media conditions, organizational and political, political, scientific, elite and contingent. Distortion methods and the need for deconstruction are the main issues under the heading of action and interaction strategies in this model. Finally, the consequences of distorting the thought and manners of the Imam have been studied in this model.


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Volume 19, Issue 1 - Serial Number 37
March 2023
Pages 77-104
  • Receive Date: 23 January 2021
  • Revise Date: 20 June 2021
  • Accept Date: 02 September 2021