Strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran for exposure and exploitation from AI diplomacy

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


1 PhD in International Relations Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tehran, I.R.Iran (Corresponding author).

2 PhD in International Relations from University of Tehran, Tehran, I.R.Iran.


In the present age, with the transformation of data into "new oil", we are witnessing the gradual emergence of an emerging generation of diplomacy, known as "artificial intelligence diplomacy". In this regard, the use of artificial intelligence in the field of foreign policy can increase the power of forecasting and analysis of diplomatic officials and give more depth and effectiveness to their decisions. Therefore, artificial intelligence has the ability to better ensure the national interests and security of countries by quickly and instantly analyzing big data and saving time and money. Therefore, not only the great powers, but also Iran's regional rivals and enemies have taken effective steps to take advantage of this emerging technology. Such a situation is a serious threat to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which according to its vision document seeks to become a leading and inspiring power in the regional and global arenas, and of course has unique opportunities. With such an approach, the present study seeks to answer the basic question: "What strategies are more effective for the active confrontation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with artificial intelligence diplomacy?” In this study, which is hypothetical due to its exploratory nature, researchers have collected data and analyzed the data using in-depth interviews, SWOT method and SPASE matrix. The findings of the study indicate that among the four categories of strategies in the Swat method, a set of conservative strategies Including consensus building and balancing hard and soft national interests and security, Reform of Iran's educational system, Utilizing the potential of Iranian elites living in developed countries, Attracting foreign and domestic investments, etc. by enabling Iran to take advantage of existing international opportunities to reduce domestic weaknesses; can better play an active role in the field of Iran. Provide artificial intelligence diplomacy and national interests and security.


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Volume 18, Issue 2 - Serial Number 36
September 2022
Pages 563-596
  • Receive Date: 03 February 2022
  • Revise Date: 07 April 2022
  • Accept Date: 09 April 2022