The model of the governance system of the Islamic Republic of Iran Based on the statement of the second step of the Islamic revolution

Document Type : Science - Research (Public Science and Governance)


1 PhD student in policy making, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, I.R.Iran. (Corresponding author)

2 Professor and Faculty Member in University of Science and Technology, Tehran, I.R.Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, I.R.Iran.



The serious obstacles and problems faced by Iran's Islamic Revolution in the first fourteen decades of its lofty goals have caused, despite significant progress, the maximum standards of the ideals of the Islamic Revolution have not been realized as it should be. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran has stated that the main step of the movement at the current stage is the creation of the Islamic State, and by issuing a statement on the second step of the revolution, he has ushered in a new era. Based on this, the governance system of the Islamic Republic of Iran needs people who are hard-working, efficient, committed, adhere to religious, revolutionary, creative values ​​and such things so that the power of decision-making can be felt more. Therefore, by developing a model for the governance system of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, an attempt is made to dry up the root of many cultural, economic and social issues and problems. Considering that the superior and successful models of the countries cannot necessarily be suitable for the country with the goals of Islamic transcendental governance, for this purpose, in this research, using the data model of the foundation, the model of the appropriate governance system is extracted. To test the model in this research, Kappa method and Lausche coefficient are used. Finally, in order to ensure the correct correspondence of the components in each dimension of the model, confirmatory factor analysis has been used. The findings show that proper use of resources and capacities, creativity and innovation, rationality and logic, people's participation and long-term and forward-looking strengthening are among the strategies to reach the governance system based on the statement of the second step of the revolution.


Main Subjects

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Volume 19, Issue 1 - Serial Number 37
March 2023
Pages 1-28
  • Receive Date: 29 July 2022
  • Revise Date: 08 February 2023
  • Accept Date: 15 February 2023