Religiosity and sense of Social Justice in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case study: students of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan)

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 PhD in Political Science from Isfahan University, Isfahan, I.R.Iran. (corresponding author).

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, I.R.Iran.



The realization of trust as one of the most important human ideals has long been considered by thinkers of every age. Admittedly, many researchers have addressed the factors influencing the sense of social justice by citizens, including the variables of religion. The results of research show that religiosity has always had a positive effect on people's sense of social trust and as the religiosity of individuals increases, so does their sense of social trust. Therefore, in this study, using the standard questionnaire of religiosity Grag and Stark and also the division of the sense of social justice into procedural and distributive justice the effect of religiosity on the sense of social justice has been investigated. The statistical population of this study includes students of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan. In this study, 378 students were selected as a statistical sample using the online questionnaire. The coefficient of determination of 0.13 shows that the effect of religiosity on the sense of social justice in the statistical population of the present study is moderate, which is very meaningful and reminds the need for pathology and strengthening their religious foundations. On the other hand, the results show that religiosity has a positive and significant effect on increasing social trust between individuals.


Main Subjects

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Volume 19, Issue 1 - Serial Number 37
March 2023
Pages 171-188
  • Receive Date: 16 April 2022
  • Revise Date: 13 February 2023
  • Accept Date: 15 February 2023