Analysis of Resistance functions in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


Professor of International Relations, Faculty member of Guilan University. Department of Political Science, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Guilan, I.R. Iran.


This article is a descriptive and analytical research on the position of resistance in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. While addressing the reasons and background of the resistance in Iran's foreign policy, its various dimensions are also explained at the regional and international levels. The idea is that, given the articulation of the discourse of the Islamic Revolution, Iran was able to highlight the language of Islamic resistance in the region, while presenting the axis of resistance against interregional interventionist forces as an effective actor. In practice, it has also used it to expand its strategic sphere of influence, and increase its security factor. The Axis of Resistance, meanwhile, was able to uphold the Syrian political system, which many regional and non-regional activists sought to bring to its knees, and to resist the aggression of proxy terrorist groups, just as A process that took place during the developments in Iraq. In this regard, the axis of resistance in Lebanon and Yemen was fundamentally raised and stood against the common unity of Hebrew and Arab. Were it not for the strategic vision of the resistance, it is possible that terrorist forces in the form of proxy wars, with the help of Arab petrodollars and the logistical assistance of Hebrew-Arab forces and the support of trans-regional actors, especially the United States, would change the fate of the region. In the
direction of their intervention and presence, and against the national security and national interests of Iran, they were advancing. In other words, while the position of the axis of resistance in Iran's foreign policy has an identity aspect, but from a realist and power perspective can also be considered a strategy to strengthen Iran's geopolitical position in the West Asian region. In other words, the axis of resistance is considered to be the provider of Iran's national interests and the enhancer of its security.


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Volume 19, مقاومت
August 2023
Pages 89-106
  • Receive Date: 13 February 2021
  • Accept Date: 11 June 2023